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Success Stories

Here Are Real InvigorateNOW Users Telling You How This
Innovative Diet Pill "Targets" The 3 Fat Triggers
And Helps Transform Their Bodies...

“With InvigorateNOW and a simple diet, I’ve been able to keep my body slim and fit year-round,
just like it was in my college days! But to be honest, it’s MUCH more than that… sure, I
absolutely LOVE the way I look, but I also love the way all the guys look at me when I walk
down the block… and I can’t get over how amazing I FEEL..Every. Single. Day.”*

Amber Walter, 26
Ex-Playboy Model, Bestselling Author and
Entrepreneur, Phoenix, Arizona

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User remunerated.

“I’m finally at my goal weight now & I feel incredible and it’s all because of InvigorateNOW.
I feel more energized, I’m happier and I can be a better mom & wife all because
of this amazing product. Thanks so much!* ”

Susanne, 39
Busy Mom & Marketing Professional, Kansas City, MO

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User remunerated.


“Testimonial Of The Month”

Vicki Bland*

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.


“Testimonial Of The Month”

Chris Szaroleta*

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.


“I’ve always felt a little flabby especially around my belly and butt, so I was very happy to drop from
115 lbs to 108 lbs (I actually lost 2 pounds MORE than my goal weight!). It was very nice that
the weight came off in the areas that mattered the most!”*

Amanda L, 25
Recruiter, New York, NY

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User remunerated with product.


“We all know that real and lasting fat loss is so much more than just reducing calories.
The InvigorateNOW supplement does the work for you…will “fix” the 3 main fat triggers
(inflammation, blood sugar spikes, and liver clogging), and fat loss success WILL follow.*”

Bridget Taylor
Miss Galaxy Universe 2013 Finalist, Scotland, UK

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.

“I became interested in InvigorateNOW, as a product that may help my body to protect itself and support my liver….I was impressed by the amount and combination of ingredients included in InvigorateNOW. I highly recommend this product!”*

Debbie D., 37
Teacher/Choreographer, Pennsylvania

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.

“Finally I was “completely in control of what I was putting in my body” and “was able to achieve a weight loss of 14lbs in 8 days!*”

Autumn Speller, 25
Jewelry Service, Fresh Meadows, NY

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User remunerated with product.

“I used InvigorateNOW while continuing to eat mainly Paleo for a month and was able to lose 6 pounds and some inches (on my waist). The only exercise I did was walking and a little rebounding. Sayan was great to deal with and so helpful and encouraging! I'm really glad I did it!*”

Raffaela Flowers

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.

“Invigorate Now! is true to its name. I noticed a clear, non-jumpy energy that felt like I'd just had a good night's sleep rather than a cup of coffee.*”

Maureen Garry

Results not typical. Anecdotal user story. The experience depicted is not generally representative. User Not remunerated.

* Your individual results will vary and are based on effort, starting point, and goals. To see results, combine products with a reduced-calorie diet and exercise plan. Some testimonial providers were given remuneration and/or product, as listed above, in exchange for their honest feedback. Their use does not imply a personal endorsement for any product by them or anyone of their likeness. All experiences depicted are not generally representative.